Join us for this insightful session that promises to reinvigorate your approach to winning corporate clients, tailored specifically for the ambitious:

– Ideal for ambitious professionals: If you’re an entrepreneur, SME leader, or B2B consultant aiming to upscale your client base, this session is your gateway to success. Perfect for those eager to break into or refine their strategies in the corporate market.

– Challenging traditional sales approaches: Traditional selling techniques often fall flat with senior executives, as they are not interested in being sold to. Similarly, social selling on platforms like LinkedIn may prove ineffective, as these busy professionals have limited time and interest to engage with such platforms. This session addresses these unique challenges.

– Unlock the potential of corporate clients: Discover the transformative impact of securing major corporate clients on your business growth and scalability.

– Overcome common roadblocks: Tackle the challenges that growing businesses face in securing corporate clients. Gain valuable insights to navigate the complex corporate landscape with ease.

– Discover a proven methodology: Learn a tried-and-tested strategy that has led numerous clients to attract CEOs’ attention without selling. Picture having 37 CEOs eager to meet with you – this could become your new reality.

– Success stories that inspire: Draw inspiration from real-life examples. One client engaged 24 CEOs, another 37, using our formula. My own success in securing business from numerous CEOs underscores the formula’s effectiveness.

– Seize the timely opportunity: With the start of the year, it’s the perfect time to redefine your business strategies. Align your goals with our actionable insights for success in the corporate market this year.

– Interactive and Insightful: Expect a session filled with practical insights that you can apply immediately to your business, moving beyond the less effective traditional sales and social media tactics.

This session, led by Roger E Jones, a fellow Home Grown member and founder & CEO of the Recognised Authority Formula™, specialises in driving high-value revenue for clients. His insights and methodologies can help guide you to more effectively and elegantly enrol high-value corporate clients and enjoy consistent, growing revenue streams.

6 pm Welcome and networking
6.30pm ‘How to catch a whale’ session
7.30 pm networking

Please head over to the members’ portal to RSVP.