We are back! The sixth instalment of the ever-growing Fuckup Nights at Home Grown…

F*ckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

Hosted, as ever, by Home Grown member, Stephen Sacks.

Dammy Ponnuthurai had a love of food and cooking. What could be better than developing a range of upmarket cookware with her life partner in a Welsh village? Find out how just about everything that could have gone wrong did and ended up destroying her relationship and business.

At Simon Bournes‘ lowest point, he sent his best customer this text, “Neville, I’ve got so much respect for you I don’t think you should come and order shoes from me today. My business is fucked mate. I don’t know if you will get the shoes and I don’t want to take your money with that in my mind. I’m not a well man today and I don’t think I can face anybody.” He then cried and thought about how he might end his life.

Imagine your car being able to drive to collect you and leave you after you have arrived. Not autonomously but by remote control. It sounds like science fiction but Michael Mangion and his team developed a working prototype. All they needed was a bit more funding for an idea that could massively increase vehicle utilization. Unfortunately, it is not that easy in the current market. Hear what happened.

Lysa Campbell (Holdstock) experienced a double fuck up. Firstly, she managed to sell her company and get fired with little compensation and then she went to court to get redress and wound up losing everything, including her house in legal fees and lost her case despite the optimism of her legal team.

If you want to hear how you can learn from our mistakes, hear our stories, and network with a group who recognise that businesses and their leaders must fail to ultimately succeed then you need to show up on the 6th February for what promises to be an amazing evening of beer (first one is free), laughs and therapy.

Tickets £10 and includes a welcome drink.

6.30pm arrival
7.00pm F*ck up’s shared!
8.00pm Networking
9.30pm Finish

One member can bring up to two guests.

Members can log into the portal to book.

Book now