Mental Health and High Pressure Working Environments: Picking Up the Signs and Not the Pieces in partnership with Rayden Solicitors – Breakfast Panel
Tuesday 16th May, 8:30am
Join us at Home Grown Club for an insightful panel discussion on mental health in the context of busy professionals and entrepreneurs.
The panel discussion will be hosted by a member of the Rayden team, who will facilitate an engaging and informative conversation among the speakers, covering a wide range of topics related to mental health in high-pressure working environments. From strategies for helping employees manage mental health issues, to avoiding burnout, to navigating the unique challenges faced by professionals trying to conceive, this panel discussion promises to be a thought-provoking and insightful event.
Maryam Meddin is the Founder & CEO of The SOKE, the renowned South Kensington based private multi-disciplinary mental health centre. With her extensive experience in mental health, Maryam will provide valuable insights on managing mental health issues in the workplace and fostering a healthy work environment.
Lucy Bloom is an employment law Partner at boutique law firm Osborne & Wise. As an expert in employment law, Lucy will shed light on the legal aspects of mental health in the workplace, including employee rights and best practices for employers in supporting their employees’ mental well-being.
Zita West is a renowned fertility and pregnancy expert and founder of the Marylebone Zita West Fertility Clinic. Zita will share her expertise on the stress and anxiety faced by professionals, both men and women, who are trying to conceive, and provide practical tips for managing these challenges.
9am start
10am presentation finishes
10.30am close
This event is open only to members and up to one guests. Tickets are complimentary and include a light continental breakfast.