Masters of Scale: Think & Grow Rich Masterclass

Wednesday, 21st August 2024, 6.30pm 

Workshop Overview
Inspired by the classic bestseller Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill, this workshop is designed to guide participants through the book’s 13 principles, blending the timeless teachings with practical exercises and inspirational guidance. The aim is to empower attendees to set and achieve their goals, enhance their mindset, and unlock their full potential

Think and Grow Rich offers a transformative step by step process that has served as a blueprint for countless individuals on their journey to success. Caron Nally has crafted this powerful transformational workshop so you can implement Think and Grow Rich principles immediately into your business and life.

Target Audience
The Think and Grow Rich workshop is aimed at individuals seeking personal growth, entrepreneurs, aspiring leaders, and anyone interested in achieving success through mindset and actionable strategies.

1. Goal Setting Workbook: A workbook for participants to outline their desires, goals, and action plans.
2. Affirmation Cards: A set of cards with powerful affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs.
3. Visualization and Meditation Guide: A guide with exercises to enhance visualisation and meditation practices.
4. Networking Opportunities: Facilitated networking sessions to form mastermind groups.

1.Post-Seminar Webinar:  A 1-hour follow-up webinar a month after the seminar to check on progress, address challenges, and provide additional support.
2.Community Forum: Access to an online community where participants can share experiences, offer support, and continue learning together.

This workshop is designed to be interactive, practical, and deeply inspiring, ensuring that participants leave with a clear roadmap for achieving their goals and the tools to maintain momentum on their journey to success.

Caron Nally is a Chartered Management Accountant and has worked in finance for over 20 years. Supporting a wide range of businesses, from start-ups to £100 million turnover businesses grow to their full potential. The owner of London Numbers accountancy firm, she helps businesses in a holistic way. With an additional benefit of 7 years experience of yoga teaching, she believes that running a business is not just about the numbers but a body, mind and purpose approach brings the most effective outcomes.

 Limited slots available. RSVP now on the members’ portal. Guests can register here instead.