Cereal Entrepreneurs: How to Globally Network from Behind Your Laptop with Sarah Clay

Wednesday, 21st February, 8:00-9:30AM

With over a billion personal profiles and 58 million company pages on LinkedIn, you know it’s the number one networking platform. But are you using it to its full capacity? If you’re not getting leads from LinkedIn, or the idea of commenting on strangers’ posts fills you with dread, then come and join Sarah Clay, LinkedIn trainer for a fun and inspiring session.

Sarah will de-mystify LinkedIn and give you the confidence to start using it to build your connections, present yourself as a thought leader, and get more leads. Sarah’s sessions are always lively and inspiring, and you’ll walk away with a new concept of what, and how, LinkedIn works; as well as a few cheeky hacks to help you enjoy and feel confident networking all over the world from the comfort of your own home.

8.00am Arrival
8.30am Breakfast and presentation begins
9.30am Finish

Places go for £10 per member and includes a light breakfast. Members can bring one guest.

Please head to the members’ portal to RSVP and confirm your slot now.