Cereal Entrepreneurs: How to Avoid Burnout and Build Resilience for Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, 23rd October 2024, 8.00AM

Workshop Overview
The journey of launching and running a business requires relentless effort, and often includes phases of burnout, a state of exhaustion that entrepreneurs often endure in silence. Can we avoid burnouts? We set out to make a difference and live a life richer in experiences, not to become so tired that we want to withdraw from them. Surely there is a way to live more fully?

Join us for an interactive workshop designed to help you think some of the steps towards more life; a life that includes both high quality work and high quality rest.

This isn’t just a lecture—it’s an opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, and participate in a dynamic group conversation. Limited to 20 participants, the workshop fosters an intimate environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing. It’s a space where you can connect with others, gain valuable insights, and leave feeling inspired to make meaningful changes in your life. Whether you’re an executive, founder, or simply someone in need of a reset, this workshop offers practical tools and connections that align with the mission of our members club.

About Stella Kamba (facilitator)
After a decade in architecture and multiple burnout moments that I chose to push through, I decided to exit the corporate world and retrain as a personal trainer. Working in the City of London, I noticed that many of my clients were dealing with similar stress-related issues, which often got in the way of their fitness goals. Recognising the need for more than just physical training, I launched More Life Adventures, a business dedicated to helping busy executives and founders take meaningful breaks that bring them more life.

About More Life Adventures
We understand that entrepreneurs often push through without taking breaks, leading to a cycle of persistent low-lying fatigue. At More Life Adventures, we specialise in breaking that cycle by offering active outdoor experiences in the company of like-minded individuals. We run retreats for busy executives and entrepreneurs who find it challenging to carve out time for a truly rejuvenating break—the kind that lets you disconnect, recharge, and return home ready to make bold moves.

8.00am Arrival
8.15am Workshop begins
9.15am Breakfast begins
9.30am Finish

Members may RSVP in the members’ portal.